All the e-mail property inquiries generated by visitors at are received at the “Message Center”. In case you want to convert any of these inquiries into leads, this can be accomplished by clicking the () button located at the top of that message.
If the e-mail inquiry has already been converted into a lead previously, a message window will appear indicating that a lead already exists for this inquiry. Otherwise an “Add new Lead” form will open up in a new window with the property details auto filled from our database.
Within this form you have the option to save the inquiring person as your client, in case if he/she already exists in your clients’ list then you can search and add the client from your list by selecting the existing client radio button.
You can also allocate these leads to any of your agency staff, so that they handle all further communication with the client by simply selecting his/her id from the list ( the agency staff list can be managed separately from the “agency staff” section).
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